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CRB Entities and Stakeholders

The 100th Meridian Initiative is a cooperative effort between state, provincial, and federal agencies to: 1) prevent the spread of zebra mussels and other aquatic nuisance species (ANS) into the western United States and 2) monitor and control zebra mussels and other ANS if detected in these areas.


The 100th Meridian Initiative has proven highly effective in enhancing early detection capacities and reducing the risk of introductions. However, if prevention efforts fail, agencies must be prepared to respond rapidly and effectively to reduce impacts. Effective interagency response depends on effective contingency planning. The Columbia River Basin (CRB) Team has been established as part of the 100th Meridian Initiative to address the special needs of the CRB. The CRB Team includes state, federal, Tribal, and university ANS managers and researchers. 

The specific agencies and entities required to respond to the discovery of dreissenids depends on where the infestation is discovered. However, regardless of location, a response depends upon the cooperation of a broad variety of public and private sector organizations, including, but not limited to the following:


100th Meridian Initiative Columbia River Basin Team

City and County governments

Mid-Columbia River Public Utility Districts

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission

Port authorities

Western Regional Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species

State Agency Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinators/State Agency Leads
for a Dreissenid Response


Allen Pleus
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, (360) 902-2724


Rick Boatner
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, (503) 947-6308


Lloyd Knight
Idaho State Department of Agriculture, (208) 332-8503


Tom Woolf

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, (406) 444-1230

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